Meet Esmat: Episode 4: Doctors Making House Calls! Walking the Road of Virtual Care
Future Cite Publication
Future Cite Publication
“The limited access to health care in some of Alberta’s rural regions can be a bit shocking if you haven’t experienced it before,” says Talwinder Punni (’16 BSc), co-founder and CFO at Naiad Lab Inc. “I remember asking myself, how is this happening in Alberta, or in Canada? This fuelled us to charge forward.”
Special Issue Information Dear Colleagues, Preventive and occupational medicine requires the acquisition of physiological, psychological, physical, and prior medical data to generate a patient-specific model that can be used to detect anomalies. This Special Issue is looking for papers that deal with a decentralized multi-sensor-fusion approach based on flexible mobile data-collection platforms that can be
Special Issue Information Dear Colleagues, The field of rehabilitation is ideally suited to the development of novel applications of extended reality (XR) technologies. Applications range from immersive experiences for treating post-traumatic stress injury to wheelchair athlete performance optimization. Immersive experiences can be provided in large VR caves or using a cell phone. This Special Issue
ICCER is pleased to present a webinar on MedROAD by Naiad Lab. Co-founders Esmat Naikyar and Talwinder Punni will discuss how this virtual clinic can be used to monitor resident health and contribute to high-quality care.