Foundations of Robust and Trustworthy Algorithms for Machine Learning

Category: Publication

  • On the Impact of Soft Hand-off in Cellular Systems

    Nidhi Hegde and Khosrow Sohraby. “On the Impact of Soft Hand-off in Cellular Systems”. In: Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS. (acceptance rate: 17%). 2000.

  • Blocking in Large Mobile Cellular Networks with Bursty Traffic

    Nidhi Hegde and Khosrow Sohraby. “Blocking in Large Mobile Cellular Networks with Bursty Traffic”. In: Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS. (acceptance rate: 12.9%). 2001.

  • On the Impact of Soft Handoffs in Cellular Systems

    Nidhi Hegde and Khosrow Sohraby. “On the Impact of Soft Handoffs in Cellular Systems”. In: Computer Networks 38.2 (Feb. 2002), pp. 257–271.

  • Service Differentiation and Guarantees for TCP-based Elastic Traffic

    Nidhi Hegde and Konstantin E. Avrachenkov. “Service Differentiation and Guarantees for TCP-based Elastic Traffic”. In: From QoS Provisioning to QoS Charging QofIS/ICQT, volume 2511 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2002, pp. 159–168.

  • Capacity of multiservice WCDMA Networks with variable GoS

    Nidhi Hegde and Eitan Altman. “Capacity of multiservice WCDMA Networks with variable GoS”. In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference(WCNC). 2003.

  • Impact of soft handoff threshold and maximum active group size on base station downlink transmit power in the UMTS system

    Dan Avidor, Nidhi Hegde, and Sayandev Mukherjee. “Impact of soft handoff threshold and maximum active group size on base station downlink transmit power in the UMTS system”. In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference(VTC). 2003.

  • Wireless Data Performance in Multi-Cell Scenarios

    Thomas Bonald, Sem Borst, Nidhi Hegde, and Alexandre Proutiere. “Wireless Data Performance in Multi-Cell Scenarios”. In: Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS. (acceptance rate: 12.4%). 2004.

  • On the Impact of the Soft Handoff Threshold and the Maximum Size of the Active Group on Resource Allocation and Outage Probability in the UMTS System

    Dan Avidor, Nidhi Hegde, and Sayandev Mukherjee. “On the Impact of the Soft Handoff Threshold and the Maximum Size of the Active Group on Resource Allocation and Outage Probability in the UMTS System”. In: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3.2 (Mar. 2004). (impact factor: 2.925), pp. 565–577. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2004.825368.

  • Evaluating the voice capacity of 802.11 WLAN under distributed control

    Nidhi Hegde, Alexandre Proutiere, and James Roberts. “Evaluating the voice capacity of 802.11 WLAN under distributed control”. In: Proceedings of IEEE LANMAN. 2005.

  • Sojourn times in finite-capacity Processor-Sharing queues

    Sem Borst, Onno Boxma, and Nidhi Hegde. “Sojourn times in finite-capacity Processor-Sharing queues”. In: Proceedings of the first EuroNGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks – Traffic Engineering (NGI). 2005.